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My portfolio

Noah Christian Hazen is from New Hampshire. He is one of Jehovah's Witnesses and he tries to live by Bible standards. He enjoys the outdoors, playing sports, doing a bit of carpentry, and creating things. He also enjoys working with technology to create and fix websites and doing graphic design.  

Noah joined 21st Century Media and Design because he enjoys using his imagination and working with computers. He also has a religious goal to go work in

















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Warwick, New York at the World Headquarters of Jehovah's Witnesses. They need more volunteers with certain skills to help them with their website,, and they are looking for young, energetic people with certain skills to help them with the production of biblical literature. The study of graphic and web design can help him reach his goal. He is looking forward to working with computers for creating animations, websites and games. 



Please check my resume.

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