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My portfolio


MY Gallery contains pictures that I made myself from the 21st Century Media and Design class.

This was a project in my class where I had to turn a celebrity of my choice into an animal. I chose Mike Shinoda and turned him into a panda. This project was also a lot of fun and I learned a lot about how to use Adobe Photoshop. It can be complicated, but once you get the hang of it, you can make really epic images. 

This was a project where we chose a celebrity (I chose Chris Pratt) and create a picture of him using letters and symbols. I don't think I did half bad. I used Adobe Illustrator for this project. It was very interesting to use letters and symbols to recreate a celebrity.

This is my first special effects video. I had wind powers. It's only about 2 seconds long but it's still cool. It took quite a bit of work since I was just barely learning how to make it. For this project, I used Adobe After Effects, or AE for short. I liked how it turned out, even though it was only 2 seconds long.

This project was an art project using both pencil and Photoshop. As you can tell, I still need some practice with hand coordination, but the drawing did not come out too bad.

Noahs drawing 2.jpg
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