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Why I think video games are art

My definition of art is colors with balance, that can bring out more feeling than a 4 year olds drawing. When Kellee Santiago did a speech about video games as art against Roger Ebert I personally agreed with Kellee because color and balance is in it. Take the game Abzu, for example. It is a beautiful game with tons of color and balance. Take the art away and you basically only have lines everywhere. When Kellee did the examples of the games Waco Resurrection, Braid, and Flower, I could see the art in all of them. Flower is what really appealed to me though because of how pretty it was.


I personally don’t agree with Robert Ebert when he said games aren’t art. Art isn’t just the perspectives of color, it is also movement and music. It requires art to make a game, to play a game, and to finish a game. Though, some games don’t have as much art as some paintings, I think games are going to evolve to more art and some already have. Subnautica is a very beautiful game with a ton of graphics. The last thing I would like to say is that I am on Kellee’s side. She is right that games are art. Roger focused more on non movement of things than movement.

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