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Supreme Court's Case on Game Violence for Young Kids to Teens

There was a case in the Supreme Court which was a debate to know whether to limit selling violent video games to children, or to leave that up to parents and stores for rating systems instead of a government opinion. Of course it was ruled so the parents could make decisions instead of the government.

If the law did pass in the government’s favor, their would be less violent video games and less video games in general. A lot of teens would probably go out trying to change that law and start creating violence of their own because they miss their old violent games like GTA 5 and Fortnite Battle Royale. They would probably want to do something violent instead of a sport or exploring or something like that.

This could perhaps put the video game industry out of business because almost all games have violence! They wouldn’t know what to make because everything would have to be almost not violent at all like Minecraft or Blockheads.This could also hurt other industries like ESRB which is a game rating company. They would certainly go out of business because there are no games to rate. They would all be friendly.

In my opinion, I think games should actually have a limit for children like rated M (Mature 17+). They shouldn’t be aloud to buy rated M because of realistic graphic violence and sexual violence and sex in general. Those games should really just go to adults but I honestly don’t like those games anyways. Rated T (Teen 13+) games could be the parents decision but M is really far.

The highest rating game I play is T because I have no interest in major violence. A lot of parents feel the same to their children. Who wants their children to see heads exploding and sex? Who wants their children to shoot up other people in games with blood, gore, burning off skin, eyes popping out and stuff like that. In conclusion, those games perhaps don’t have to be banned, but age limited.

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