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My bio

My name is Noah Christian Hazen, I am 16 years old and I am from Bath New Hampshire. I came to 21st Century Media and Design because I love computers and I have always been interested to know how games and animations are actually made. I have now learned how to do stuff like that and more like how to create websites and how to Photoshop which has all been very interesting. In the future, I am hoping to either work in New York or stay here at home as there are Graphic Design work forces in both areas. I am glad that I am going to River Bend and I hope to continue my career the way I want it to.

I think the difficult thing here is when school ends up closing due to weather so we have to try to squeeze everything in. It is especially hard when you’re working on a bigger project like an animation or game. To help with this problem, I try to do as much of it at home as I can if I am able to do so. It doesn’t matter if I have a partner or if I am working alone as long as the project gets done.

My favorite project so far was one of my animations. I love animating and even though I am not an expert at it yet, I want to continue animating to get better at it. I am proud of my “Hungry Shark” animation as it was the first one I did that had more detail than stick men. It took a lot of work when it came to designing and then animating all of it. It was definitely harder than stick men but it was fun and came out pretty good.

Currently I have plans to maybe work in a place in New York or stay here at home and work here. Even if that doesn’t work out, I will still use the skill to use on my free time when I want to because I love these skills.

In conclusion, I am happy to be here at RBCTC and hope to learn more as this year comes to an end. I will enjoy my time here as I keep on learning and enjoy my time here.

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