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My Career Goal

I have a career goal of working in Wor Wic New York, to work at my religion’s world HQ. They are in need of people to help them with graphic design and also for their website ( They have a little kids cartoon series that teaches about our god, and they need more people to help animate it as they only have a few people working on it, so it takes a while for each 2:00 episode to come out.

I have become very interested in this because I love my religion, and I love graphic design and web design. I was always interested in how games work, how animations are made, and how websites are made. So I have been taking a class to learn how to make this stuff at a technical school to learn some basics and a little beyond that. This way I can satisfy my interest of how graphic design works, and to go work in Wor Wic New York.

A challenge that comes up is whether to go to college or not. It’s not that my religion is opposed for us going to college, but they’re afraid that we will leave the religion to do something else, so it’s left up to me. I have not been interested into going to college, as it is not required to have a college degree to go to my religion’s HQ anyways.This becomes a challenge because it’s good to know how to do graphic design on a higher level. It’s a hard choice.

To sum this up, I would just like to say that this interest has never left me, and I love working with computers. I would really like to work on animations, websites, and maybe make new games for my religion. So far I have learned a lot, and I look forward to learning more so I can fulfill my career goals.

Pic of the HQ

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